
Youth Development Section

This section plans and produces events that promote international exchange for youth. Meetings are held once a month from 1pm in the International Relations Corner. There are around 7 activities per year, held mostly on weekends.


Daily Life Around the World (March 2024)

3 Assistant Language Teachers and 1 member of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) joined forces to present on the daily lives of people living in the U.S., Canada, Philippines, and Panama. Through a variety of presentations and games, particpants learned some surprising differences and similarities between Japan and other countries. Prizes, including candy from different countries, were handed out at the end.

Field Trip (August, 2023)


TIRS led 16 students on a field trip to Tokyo. First, students visited the National Museum of Modern Art and learned how varied interpretations of art can be. Next, they were led through the Gaudí and the Sagrada Família special exhibition. Then students were given a guided tour through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, including access to conference rooms, while learning about future job opportunities in foreign service.

Around the World Quiz Tournament (March, 2022)

4 special guests representing the U.S., Canada, England, and Myanmar were invited to lead an online quiz tournament for elementary through junior high school aged children living in Takasaki. Through a series of true and false questions, participants learned about the daily lives of people in other countries, and what surprising ways they differ from their own.